In a few weeks the Studio Art Quilt Association's Online Benefit Auction will begin. There are 244 12" square quilts made and donated by members of SAQA. This is a reverse auction which means on the first day the artwork is shown, it will have its highest price of $750. Each day thereafter the price decreases by $100 until the piece is sold. The auction begins on November 10th at 2PM Eastern time; no bids will be accepted before that time. There will be 3 stages to this auction, and approximately 80 quilts will be auctioned in each stage. You can find my donation on this page, second row from the bottom, right side.
This is SAQA's major fundraiser. Money raised from the auction will go to support all of SAQA's exhibits, catalogs, and outreach programs during 2009. So bookmark your favorites and bid early - many people were disappointed last year when they waited an extra day and were beat to the click on the pieces that they really wanted. I hope that you find something that appeals to you!
And I've been tagged, so here's the info. Teri Springer tagged me.
The rules are as follows:
1. Link to the person who tagged you. That's Teri.
2. Post the rules on your blog. Here they are.
3. Write six random things about yourself.
1. I can't resist Edy's Peanut Butter Cup ice cream and it has to have chocolate sauce on it.
2. I hate going to the gym but I go 3 times per week or else I will turn into a blimp.
3. I have all seven of the Harry Potter series on either tape or CD. I also have all 5 movies. I only have books 5,6, and 7. I would much rather listen to Jim Dale do the books than read them myself. Actually when I read them I hear his voice in my head.
4. I hate shopping for clothes, nothing ever looks good on me. I hate trying things on because those dressing room mirrors are dreadful. They would sell alot more clothes if they had skinny mirrors.
5. I don't drink coffee but I have a huge selection of teas. My favorites are the Tazo teas, especially Green Ginger. No Lipton Tea is allowed in my house.
6. I'm perfectly content to stay home all day long and work in my studio.
4. Tag six people at the end of your post.
I'm going to select 6 people who are on the SAQA Artists Web Ring who (whom?) I don't know, or at least not very well. In the process I will need to read some of their postings. I hope you take the time also.
Cynthia St. Charles
Rachel Cochran
Liz Berg
Jill Werner
Sandra Hankins
Kim Hambric
5. Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
6. Let the tagger know your entry is up.
And done.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
Phelps Phans
First - thanks for all the congratulations. I'm really thrilled to be in Quilt National and I appreciate everybody's thoughts. They send an awful lot of paperwork to be filled out, which I spent the weekend doing. Yesterday I shipped my piece to the Dairy Barn for the photography session. I also shipped a piece to the Schweinfurth Memorial Art Center in Auburn, NY for the Quilts=Art=Quilts exhibit. I haven't entered that show in a while, but Bruce Hoffman from Snyderman-Works in Philadelphia was one of the jurors and it can't hurt to have someone like him see my work. He selected Downtown for their exhibit, which starts in early November and goes through January.

Downtown ©2006
Last Saturday was the Michael Phelps Parade of Gold. Actually, there were 2 events - the parade in our town and the parade downtown in Baltimore City at Fort McHenry. We only went to the local parade and it was really fun. Led by Fire Engine No. 8 (for 8 gold medals), and followed by people from the schools and other places that were part of Michael's life, it was a real down home kind of event.

These kids are members of the swim club where Michael trained for years, and still will. I'm sure there is another future Olympian in that crowd; NBAC has sent swimmers to the Olympics for many years.

There was a whole crowd of people from Pete's Grill (sorry, no picture). This is where Michael would go for breakfast after his morning workout. Now they serve up the same food he ate as a Phelps Special. It's about 7,000 calories. On him it looks good. Here he is, riding in a Maryland National Guard Hummer that is almost as wide as the road.

This vehicle followed right behind the Hummer. The only reason we could think of as to why it was in the parade is that it was there to haul all his money.
Sunday was the opening of my show at the Glenview Mansion in Rockville, MD. This was the first time I was able to see my too-big-for-QN piece hung as a unit. I think it looks pretty cool and would be perfect for a large office space.

Downtown ©2006
Last Saturday was the Michael Phelps Parade of Gold. Actually, there were 2 events - the parade in our town and the parade downtown in Baltimore City at Fort McHenry. We only went to the local parade and it was really fun. Led by Fire Engine No. 8 (for 8 gold medals), and followed by people from the schools and other places that were part of Michael's life, it was a real down home kind of event.

These kids are members of the swim club where Michael trained for years, and still will. I'm sure there is another future Olympian in that crowd; NBAC has sent swimmers to the Olympics for many years.

There was a whole crowd of people from Pete's Grill (sorry, no picture). This is where Michael would go for breakfast after his morning workout. Now they serve up the same food he ate as a Phelps Special. It's about 7,000 calories. On him it looks good. Here he is, riding in a Maryland National Guard Hummer that is almost as wide as the road.

This vehicle followed right behind the Hummer. The only reason we could think of as to why it was in the parade is that it was there to haul all his money.
Sunday was the opening of my show at the Glenview Mansion in Rockville, MD. This was the first time I was able to see my too-big-for-QN piece hung as a unit. I think it looks pretty cool and would be perfect for a large office space.

Wednesday, October 01, 2008
What a day!
Some days are just full of good news. Monday was one of those days. It started with a contract from The ArtFul Home to do a commission. A client fell in love with my piece Sun Dance and wanted it for an Neonatal Intensive Care Unit in Texas but it turned out to be too big for the available space. So she commissioned to make it in a slightly smaller version. It won't be an exact reproduction because those fabrics are all originals, pieces that I dyed or painted with a variety of surface design techniques.

Sun Dance ©2006
I can reproduce the composition and approximate colors and designs. I've started going through my stash and pulling similar colors but I may have to dye some blues. I used Photoshop Elements to resize the image and printed it out on 20 sheets of paper and taped them together, so now I have a template of the right size and design. This is going to be an interesting project and it could turn out to be more difficult than I imagined it would be.
Good news item #2. Last last month I posted about my last minute decision to enter a different piece into Quilt National. I had to quickly get it quilted and photographed. It seemed to be a better fit with the other two entries as a body of work. It turns out to have been an excellent decision because that's the one that was accepted! Hooray! I think this is the seventh time I have entered and I cringe to think about what I sent in the first few times I entered. Thank heavens it's anonymous jurying. So here's what didn't get in.

Blue Moon ©2008

Window Paint ©2008
Window Paint is the one I spent most of the summer working on after my original entry turned out to be too big. It's pretty big, about 72" wide, and well within the size limit, but not the jurors' choice. I will enter it somewhere else, along with a bunch of other pieces that I've been holding back just in case I thought they were QN worthy.
Below is the postcard for my show at the Glenview Mansion Art Gallery in Rockville, MD. I delivered my work there today and will go back for the opening reception on Sunday. If you're in the area, please stop in. The show is up until October 28. I had sent them a different image to use for the postcard since I didn't plan to put Sun Dance in the show. But I guess it goes better with the other work than the red piece I selected.

Sun Dance ©2006
I can reproduce the composition and approximate colors and designs. I've started going through my stash and pulling similar colors but I may have to dye some blues. I used Photoshop Elements to resize the image and printed it out on 20 sheets of paper and taped them together, so now I have a template of the right size and design. This is going to be an interesting project and it could turn out to be more difficult than I imagined it would be.
Good news item #2. Last last month I posted about my last minute decision to enter a different piece into Quilt National. I had to quickly get it quilted and photographed. It seemed to be a better fit with the other two entries as a body of work. It turns out to have been an excellent decision because that's the one that was accepted! Hooray! I think this is the seventh time I have entered and I cringe to think about what I sent in the first few times I entered. Thank heavens it's anonymous jurying. So here's what didn't get in.

Blue Moon ©2008

Window Paint ©2008
Window Paint is the one I spent most of the summer working on after my original entry turned out to be too big. It's pretty big, about 72" wide, and well within the size limit, but not the jurors' choice. I will enter it somewhere else, along with a bunch of other pieces that I've been holding back just in case I thought they were QN worthy.
Below is the postcard for my show at the Glenview Mansion Art Gallery in Rockville, MD. I delivered my work there today and will go back for the opening reception on Sunday. If you're in the area, please stop in. The show is up until October 28. I had sent them a different image to use for the postcard since I didn't plan to put Sun Dance in the show. But I guess it goes better with the other work than the red piece I selected.

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