Below is the full view. That ladder leaning up against the side will have to be taken down and stored until Hurricane Sandy passes through. The predictions are pretty dire, with high winds and lots of rain lasting two days. I have my fingers and toes crossed that no trees come down. The authorities are saying to prepare for power outages of several days. We have gas for the generator and it's been serviced since its last non-performance in July. At the grocery store this morning all the store brand water was gone but I could buy a more expensive brand. Not exactly sure why I need water, since we're not on a well, but I guess it's possible for the pumping station to be out of commission. The dumpster is full of potential flying objects with no way to secure any of them. And I expect the spot-a-pot to get blown over.
These bricks for are the front of the garage and in the walkway area. I don't know if these are real used bricks or bricks that have been made to look used. Either way, they probably cost more than "new" bricks.
And the powder room area has been roughed in. I'm getting better at climbing the ladder, but that moment when I have to get back on to climb down always makes me pause. I wonder if it's something you get used to. The construction guys go up and down the ladders without a thought, sometimes carrying a heavy load. Of course, their knees are most likely in a lot better shape than mine are.
I doubt that there will be much work done on Monday and Tuesday. But we'll have an excellent opportunity to see how the drainage system works