We arrived Friday afternoon and the weather was beautiful, but who pays attention to the weather? Everybody had projects ready to work on, some that have been to quite a few previous retreat weekends.

Here are Linda and Mary Beth all set up. Notice how efficient we have all become - supplies are neatly packaged and stashed underneath the tables.

Floris is very intently studying her yellow water bottle, hoping the genie will pop out.

Dale is always in a good mood and her infectious laughter keeps us all smiling.

This is Elizabeth's work area. Notice how she has neatly stowed her fabric in a milk crate. Each piece is precisely folded. She doesn't even iron them. I wish my fabric were as well behaved.

This is what I'm working on. I'm using some of my soy wax batik fabrics.

The Canada geese are feasting on all the worms that have come out during the heavy downpour.

This is the view from the porch of the cabin. Very peaceful and meditative, except we're all facing the other way so we can see our design walls.
Good news #1: I have a new great niece, born last week. Named Julia Rose, 9lbs 2oz (ouch). Here is the postcard I'm sending to her and her family. It will have to hold them until I make her baby quilt. Julia is my 12th great niece/nephew. Isn't that a beautiful name? I just love it.

Good news #2: The guy from Purdue called and I now have a commission. Whoopee! Good news all around!