Wednesday, February 23, 2005


Originally uploaded by ckleeman.
When making the previous batiks with the thickened Procion black dye, I had some left over that I used to do some monoprints. And then I added some water and stuffed a piece of fabric in to use up the rest. The piece came out as less than wonderful. So then I tried making a paste with rice flour and water, which was totally unsuccessful and got thrown away. Back to the flour paste and the sort of black fabric. This time I brushed it with Clorox Advantage, which claims to be slightly thickened. "Slightly" is the operative word. So this is the resulting piece. In some places the bleach just soaked right in and made the crackle lines wider than the actual cracks. And somehow the entire piece was somewhat bleached - maybe it soaked through the paste also. But I think the piece has some interesting designs on it and has some potential.