Monday, October 15, 2012

Some Vertical Progress

The concrete slab was poured the beginning of last week. On Wednesday and Thursday lumber deliveries began to show up. Friday, nothing happened.

This morning a crew arrived before 8am and began unloading their tools. They worked until after lunch, when they were stopped by a heavy downpour. Things are beginning to take on a recognizable shape: two garage doors for cars, a door into the garage, and a door to go into the stairwell up to the studio.

Looking towards the driveway, you can see the struts for the roof. My sunflowers have bloomed and are now growing their seeds. We had a slight frost over the weekend, but it was enough to take out the basil and pretty much finish the tomatoes. I grew the tomatoes in pots and not only have they grown hugely out of the pot but they are spreading all over the euonymus and into the pachysandra. Next Spring there will be many, many tomato seedlings. 

Last Monday I received an email from Quilt National. It's different from the old days where, when you got your notification from a show, if the envelope was thick, they were returning your slides, and you knew it was a rejection. And you could shred the letter. Nowadays, notifications are by email. If there is an attachment, that is a good indication that it's an acceptance. My email from QN had an attachment, but I was still a bit hesitant to open it. But, yeah! it was an acceptance. Hooray! An eleven page attachment with all sorts of forms to fill out and electronic signatures. They want all that information, plus the quilt, by this coming Friday. I shipped my quilt out today and it should arrive there by Wednesday. I would love to post a picture here, but they have very strict rules about publishing the quilts before the show. I could display it, but I can't prevent somebody from taking the image and publishing it somewhere else, and that is a big no-no. It will be under wraps until next May when the show opens at the Dairy Barn in Athens, Ohio.