Saturday, June 18, 2005

Home again

After a very long drive, I'm home again. The boxes and stuff is inside the house, but not unpacked. I took pictures of everybody's work wall except my own, so I don't have any pictures of the final product. I will have to do that tomorrow and then upload some of them, because I've made more changes to some of the ones I already posted.

It was a great class and I worked in a totally different medium, so it was mind expanding. Most of the finished pieces are much too stiff to be stitched through and they're not really intended to be layered like quilts. Not that there aren't already many layers of stuff, especially the gloss medium, which I think I have finally gotten totally off my hands.

Now to begin the unfun task of returning all my stuff to its proper place. I've already signed up for the class I want to take next year, but because everybody else wants to take it also, I'm on the waiting list. I sure hope somebody changes her mind; actually I hope several people change their minds!