Meanwhile, the SAQA Benefit Auction begins today at 2:00PM. This is the fifth (I think) year that SAQA has held this auction of one foot square quilts. It's a reverse auction, so the prices start today at $750 and you might be surprised at how many pieces get sold at that price. Tomorrow at 2pm the price drops to $550, and each day there is another price drop, $350, $250, $150, and finally $75. Next week a second set of pieces go up for sale, again starting at $750. My piece is in the third group and they will go up for sale on September 26. There is always a bit of apprehension about whether one's piece will sell or not and what price it ends up going for. I've contributed a piece every year and the price people will pay for my piece has steadily risen. That's a very gratifying feeling. And I hope I haven't jinxed myself with saying that.
This is my donation for this year. I posted it right before I sent it in and asked for suggestions for names. Jamie Fingal suggested "No Way Out", several people seconded that, and I liked it also. So there it is.